Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Holidays Are Coming!!

I know it's hard to believe, but the holidays are just around the corner!! I have some great ideas for new products and gift sets, and I can't wait to get them posted in my Etsy shop. In the next few weeks I'm hoping to have some, or all, of the following items available: booties, adult size hats, mother/daughter matching sets, father/son matching sets, fingerless mittens, gift sets, and of course more hats!! This is a lot of work, but I would LOVE to offer these items to all you wonderful Rockarooz fans for the holidays! In addition to new items, I have also been brainstorming on gift packaging ideas. This has been a bit of a challenge but I know I'll come up with something wonderful to compliment these adorable products.

Thank you all for your great support! Rockarooz is growing bigger and better each day!!

Best Wishes,