Friday, June 10, 2011

The Biggest Rockarooz Giveaway... EVER!!! {A Good Life Blog}

it's true friends.

i've teamed up with one of my favorite bloggity bloggers to give y'all the opportunity to win $40 in rockarooz store credit.  yep, that's right.  all you have to do is visit amy over at a good life blog to find out the details.  it's easy peasy to enter, and in just a few short weeks your little rock stars could be sportin' their very own rockarooz gear.  and just like p-ray here, they'll probably be the coolest kids on the block.  i'm just sayin.

so what are you waiting for?  click here to enter.  giveaway ends june 17 at 11:59 pm pst.

good luck everyone!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Costa Rica Style

so i'm lounging by the pool today and this is what i see.  poor me, right?  i'm absolutely in love with this place!

happy hump day everyone.  may june bring no gloom.