the other day while surfing the web i came across a guide on "how to make korker ribbon". i have a ton of ribbon laying around and i thought this would be the perfect thing to play around with. when i read the guide and saw that you're supposed to bake the ribbon for 25 minutes i was quite intrigued! my boyfriend, on the other hand, was more convinced i was going to burn the house down with my new little experiment.
i ran out immediately to pick up some dowels so i could start on my new project right away. after watching a few more tutorials i decided not to wet the ribbon like the initial guide had explained. i wrapped the dry ribbon around each dowel and popped them in the oven at 275 degrees for 25 minutes. i let the ribbon cool for a few minutes but i didn't have the patience to wait any longer. i started unraveling one of the dowels and to my dismay the ribbon didn't seem to hold its curl... {sad face}. i was so disappointed but i decided to let the others sit a while longer with the hope that maybe i just jumped the gun.
when i returned to the ribbon about an hour later... lo and behold!!... the single unraveled ribbon had returned to it's adorable little state of curls... yay!! i quickly unraveled the remaining ribbons and ran them through my fingers in a bowl {ahhhhh, satisfaction!!}. these are gonna be FUN!!!!
So glad you shared this!!