Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Workout Wednesday - {Motivation} w.1

okay, i'm in desperate need of some serious motivation!  the 5K i run every year is two and a half months away and i really need to get into training mode.  not only to get through a 3.1 mile run, but for the ultimate goal of getting back into some of my pants!  i'll admit the 2010 holiday season hit hard on the waste line... ugh.

by confessing my motivational needs for the whole world to see, i'm hoping i'll finally get my butt in gear.  from now until my run on May 7th, i plan on posting workout updates every wednesday.
if you, too, have been procrastinating that initial gym visit, get up off that chair and throw on those workout clothes.  let's work our butts off together (literally), and show off our awesome progress every wednesday!!


1 comment:

  1. i have totally been a bum lately. all the snow outside just makes me wanna stay in sweats all day inside!
